Part 4: 年 週 朝 昼 夕 方 夜 先 来 毎

: ネン、とし

Meaning: year, age

  • Locate the short vertical bar at the right place.
  • This line is not crossed with horizontal lines.

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Word Reading Meaning Class
とし age n

年は おいくつ ですか。 How old are you?

~年 ねん _ years suffix

Used for date and for duration.

1995年<year 1995>, 2008年<2008>, なん年<what year?>

1年<1 year>, 2年はん<2 and half years>, なん年<how many years?>

For duration, 間 is often added. 5年間<5 years>

Irregular pronunciations:

4年(ねん), 7年(ななねん or しちねん), 9年(きゅうねん or ねん)

とし this year n
[去]年 きょねん last year n

: シュウ

Meaning: week

  • The last part (3 strokes) is called "shinnyō". It is used in many Kanji symbols.
  • It covers the left and the bottom area.
  • Locate other part properly in the remaining area.
~週 しゅうかん _ weeks suffix

1週間<1 week>, 2週間まえ<2 weeks ago>, 何週間<how many weeks?>

間 is always added for duration. Not 1週, 2週...

Irregular pronunciations:

1週間(いっしゅうかん), 8週間(はっしゅうかん), 10週間(じゅっしゅうかん)

こんしゅう this week n

: チョウ、あさ

Meaning: morning

Shape: 十 / ten + 日 / sun + 十 / ten + 月 / moon

  • 日 is not crossed with vertical lines.
  • Draw 月 in narrow shape (vertically long).
あさ morning n
朝[御飯] あさごはん breakfast n
this morning n

: チュウ、ひる

Meaning: day time

Shape: 尺 + 日(sun) + 一(one)

  • Start the 4th stroke (diagonal line to the right) at the right place.
ひる daytime n
昼[御飯] ひるごはん lunch n

: セキ、ゆう

Meaning: evening

  • Same as Katakana タ
  • The shape is the same as Katakana "タ".
  • Mind the tilt angle of diagonal lines.
夕[飯] ゆうはん dinner n

ばんごはん(晩御飯) also means dinner.

: ホウ、かた


  • The last two strokes are not crossed.
  • Start the 3rd stroke at the right place.
かた person (polite) n

あの方は どなたですか。<Who is that person?>

夕方 ゆうがた (early) evening n
ほう direction, the one (of options) n

かれは みなみの方へ いきました。<He went to the southern direction.>

バスより でんしゃの方が はやいです。<Train is faster than bus.>

: ヤ、、よる

Meaning: night

Shape: なべぶた + 人 / person + 夕 / evening + diagonal line

  • The top part (2 strokes) is called "nabebuta" literally means "lid of a pot". It is used in many Kanji symbols.
  • The last stroke is slightly curved.
よる night n
こん tonight n


In general, 夕方 means early evening around sunset, and 夜 is after sunset till dawn.

夜 and ばん(晩) both mean night time.

夕はん and ばんごはん, 今夜 and 今ばん mean the same.

: セン、さき

Meaning: ahead, previous

  • The shape of the lower part is not the same as Katakana ル.
  • The last stroke is curved, not bent at a sharp angle.
さき before, ahead, first n

先 is used for time, for place and for order.

先週 としょかんへ いきました。<I went to the library last week.>

ぎんこうは この先に あります。<The bank is further ahead.>

先に どうぞ。<After you. Please go first.>

せんしゅう last week n
せんげつ last month n

: ライ、きた(す)きた(る)、く(る)

Meaning: to come

  • Upper horizontal line is shorter than the lower.
  • Tilt the two short lines (2nd & 3rd strokes) properly.
来る to come v
らいしゅう next week n
らいげつ next month n
らいねん next year n
さ来 らいねん year after next n

: マイ

Meaning: every

  • Look closely how the lower part is structured.
  • Mind the tilt angle (should not be too much).
まいにち every day n
まいしゅう every week n
まいつき, まいげつ every month n
まいとし, まいねん every year n
まいあさ every morning n
毎[晩] まいばん every night n


There are two ways of reading 毎月 - まいつき and まいげつ. In most cases, まいつき is used.

There are two ways of reading 毎年 - まいとし and まいねん. まいとし is used more often.

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Writing Practice

Printable writing practice sheet is available at Kanji Writing Practice page.

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Stroke Order Rules (1)

It is important to write with the correct stroke order. It's natural, and you can write quickly.

Wrong stroke order often results improper shape of character.

Here are some general guidelines.

writing rule sample san The upper part first, then the lower part(s).
writing rule sample hachi

The left side part first, then the right side part(s).

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Drill Exercise

Drill. A Drill. B Drill. C
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Kanji Master Drill

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