Knowledge Base

Information and instructions useful for your Japanese Language study



Alphabetical Order Introduction of Japanese alphabetical order
Japanese Text Input Instructions on how to input Japanese characters on your PC
Old Style Characters Information on old characters which are not officially used
Daiji 大字 Information on Daiji - alternative Kanji used for numbers

Words and Phrases

Proverb Japanese Proverbs - ことわざ
Four-Character Idiom Japanese Four Kanji Character Idioms - 四字熟語


Nihon or Nippon? How to read 日本 [Japan] - Nihon [にほん] or Nippon [にっぽん] ?
Old Style Characters Information on old characters which are not officially used
Daiji 大字 Information on Daiji - alternative Kanji used for numbers
こんにちは or こんにちわ? Which is correct - こんにちは or こんにちわ?
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