Lesson 7: ま み む め も
How to Read
Particles は and へ
Particle (助詞 [joshi]) is a grammatical component - like noun, verb, adjective, etc...
Each particle has a particular function (some are similar to English prepositions).
Particles are written in Hiragana. Pronunciation of particles 「は」 and 「へ」 are [wa] and [e], not [ha] and [he].
Particle は

Particle は indicates that the previous word is the main topic of the sentence.
Pronunciation of particle は is [wa], not [ha].
Particle へ

Particle へ indicates that the previous word is the destination of an action (like English "to").
Pronunciation of particle へ is [e] (same as え), not [he].
It takes more study and experience to be able to distinguish particles in a sentence. For now, it would be enough if you understand that there are such irregular pronunciations.
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Japanese Particles (wikipedia)
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