Lesson 1: あ い う え お
How to Read

Just watch the video several times and move on. You can memorize at the Quiz programs.
あ, い, う, え and お are the first five letters of Hiragana alphabet and are placed in the first row of the 五十音図 [ gojūon-zu | Table of 50 sounds ].
You basically read as written in ローマ字 [ rōmaji | Roman alphabet ]. But the way you usually read may be different from the sound of Japanese.
Try to imitate the pronunciation of native speakers.

Mark | Name | Function |
、 | 読点 tōten | same as English comma |
。 | 句点 kuten | same as English period |
「 | かぎ括弧 kagikakko | same as English quotation mark (beginning) |
」 | かぎ括弧 kagikakko | same as English quotation mark (end) |
? | 疑問符 gimonfu | same as English question mark |
! | 感嘆符 kantanfu | same as English exclamation mark |
You can assume that these marks have almost the same functions as English marks.
You don't have to read out these marks.
[ 、] and [ 。] as a group are called 句読点 [ kutōten | punctuation marks ].
Quotation marks [「 ] (beginning) and [ 」] (end) have different shapes.
Short Vowels

Long Vowels

Japanese language has five short vowels [短母音 tan-boin ] and five long vowels [長母音 chō-boin ].
あ, い, う, え and お are the five short vowels.
Long vowels ああ, いい, うう, ええ and おお are indicated by an additional short vowel letter.
A horizontal bar is also used (e.g. あー, いー, うー, えー, おー). This is not the official way but is used quite often in casual expressions.
In Rōmaji, long vowels ああ [ ā ], うう [ ū ], ええ [ ē ] and おお [ ō ] are indicated by a horizontal bar on top. いい [ ii ] is double " i ".
How to Do
- Hiragana will be shown.
- Read out the letter when it becomes red color.
- You are good enough if you can read correctly the last 10 questions.
This program is a video file. There is no function to check your answer.
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